Joe Lewis - Artist’s Biography
I was born and raised in London, England. As a young man I lived and worked in the Netherlands for 15 years. I moved to Canada in 2006 and have recently become a full Canadian citizen.
In my early life I played and explored the urban jungle of   post war London. Spending time with my parents on outings to the surrounding countryside. Exploring England’s eastern and southern coast were for me magical experiences. I was a child in wonder to everything living including golden fields of wheat, maize (corn) or barley, the various herds of cows, flocks of sheep and of course rabbits, red squirrels, deer and other critters. Looking out, at the vastness of the sea, and the ebbing and flowing of the waves. Also the particular smell of seaweed, which varied at different coastal areas, touched me.
As a young man I worked in a publishing company as a layout artist. Meanwhile I created a portfolio of work and was first admitted into Watford School of Art and then later graduated with my Arts degree from the Bradford College of Art.
While living in Amsterdam I worked as a landscape gardener, and continued my artwork. I exhibited my art in various restaurants and stores. I was then invited to make an exhibition for the Dutch Ministry of Welfare and Sport.
After exhibiting my work in a hospital complex I was hired to facilitate art and creative play projects with small children. I would often introduce music and movement, bringing out each child’s natural gifts, which found expression in their play and spontaneity.
When I moved to Canada I came to live in Edmonton, Alberta and travelled extensively throughout Alberta and British Columbia.
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