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My Inspiration to paint pet Portraits

My connection to animals, dogs in particular was instilled in me at an early age.
It was most unfortunate, especially as a child, that my parents were adverse for my brother and I to having a pet. Eventually we were allowed to share a white mouse we called Snowy.
Meanwhile in parks, playgrounds and other open spaces besides sketching and drawing anything that caught my eye. I was continuously seeing and observing the interchange between a dog and its owner in play and connecting.
I closely watched each dog’s uniqueness in temperament and intelligence. I researched particular breeds and if I found a particular dog I was especially attracted to, besides scratching and stroking him or her, I would try to converse with the owner.
I even would dream of dogs. Once as a child coming home from school I was actually followed home by a beautiful shaggy Old English sheepdog. It was unfortunate after a lot of grief and tears I was not allowed to keep my lovely friend.
Due to my often temporal living situations, I still presently do not have a dog, but as a volunteer of the Edmonton Humane Society I have regularly walked and made connections with many of the rescued dogs there.
I do have a lovely pair of budgie birds who are quite the characters.
Cats, although I am fascinated by their ways are more mysterious creatures to me. I love their beautiful soft fur and have a healthy respect for their individual temperaments.
Artistic Orientation: Medium and Genre

With my pet portraits as with my other paintings over the years I often use as a first layer Acrylic to give a good base followed by oil pastel to enhance the color arrangement. Sometimes to further define things I will use ink. This is often done on stretched canvas or paper.
My style or genre is a combination of impressionism, whilst keeping in mind realism I do my best to catch the heart of the dog or cat’s characteristic makeup. When I paint your pet, I want to know something about you and the connection you have with your dog or cat. I like to keep this sense of your bond in my heart while I paint the portrait.
My aim for my clients is to portray a true image of their beloved pet or animal.
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